How to Make Healthy, Simple Breakfasts Part of Your Perimenopause Diet
(Part 1 of a 4 part blog series on ‘Finding Food Focus in Your 40’s and 50’s’)
Are you searching for a healthy, simple breakfast?
Are you a busy woman in your 40’s or 50’s? If so, I have a question:
What does your breakfast plate or bowl look like?
The morning meals that fuel me these days don’t resemble the breakfasts of my 20’s, 30’s or early 40’s.
I used to enjoy a jar of overnight oats or gluten-free toast, or granola and yogurt or muffins or cereal bars. Honestly, some days it was whatever I could get my hands on!
And I still savor these favorites on special occasions.
But, as I started to experience symptoms of perimenopause, I learned that I had to shift my focus to reflect the fact that my body was shifting its focus.
Slowly, I have made the move away from a typical American-style breakfast to a meal that breaks my fast in a nourishing and satisfying manner for my 48 year-old body.
What does that healthy, simple breakfast look like?
For me, many mornings it includes a smoothie.
Especially if I have a fast-paced morning of getting ready and out the door for work!
Why do I rely on smoothies so often?
Well, smoothies check A LOT of boxes if made strategically!!!
Perks of a well-crafted smoothie:
- Enough protein to reach per meal and daily goals
- Source of healthy fats
- Great way to incorporate more fiber
- Gentle on digestion because they are blended
- Nutrient dense start to the day (include those veggies!)
- Low-sugar option that curbs late morning snack attacks
- Prevent decision fatigue and reaching for packaged foods
- Easy and quick to make so that a healthy breakfast becomes a habit!
For women in their 40’s and 50’s, smoothies are a simple way to get three essential nutrients we need as we age and go through hormonal changes: protein, healthy fat and fiber.
This combo is a powerhouse that stops the mid-morning sugar-dips that cause us to feel hangry, unfocused, moody and anxious. Starting the day with protein, fat and fiber allows us to get off of the sugar rollercoaster so many of us find ourselves on every single day!
Be on the look out for future blogs in this series that will look more closely at the importance of prioritizing protein and choosing carbohydrates wisely.
For today, let’s address a common habit of many perimenopausal women:
Deciding to skip breakfast
If you end up skipping breakfast intentionally or unintentionally, it is important to honestly check in with your wellness goals from a place of curiosity and openness.
Do your goals include weight loss, body recomposition (loss of body fat and muscle gain), feeling more energetic and focused, or supporting hormonal health?
Do you know why you are skipping breakfast? Is it simply due to a lack of time? Is it because it works for your significant other?
Consider these questions carefully. If this strategy is working for you to reach those goals and you are not experiencing hunger that you are ignoring, it may be an approach that works for your body at this time.
But, if you find that skipping breakfast is not helping you reach your optimal wellness, you are not alone. There is evidence that including breakfast in your routine is beneficial! It might be time for you to make a nourishing breakfast a regular part of your mornings.
Some studies show that including a morning meal can be a long-term tool to prevent weight gain. Since many women struggle with maintaining weight during mid-life, this could be a relatively easy strategy to try.
Recent research is indicating that timing your meals to coincide with your circadian rhythms may be crucial to optimal health, including weight management and metabolic health. This means your eating window should begin in the morning (with a healthy breakfast) and end in the early evening (when the sun goes down).
In fact, it may be best to get the majority of your calories earlier in the day. This is when blood sugar control is at its best!
It seems that our bodies are primed to eat and absorb nutrients in the morning… so let’s take advantage of that!!!
Remember: our 40’s and 50’s are a time of dramatic change for our bodies!
We need to switch up our habits, wellness routines and lifestyle choices in order to support our bodies during this transition.
So… is it time for you to reevaluate your approach to breakfast?
Do you need some fresh, new, healthy, simple breakfast ideas to support your body during midlife???
Download your FREE recipe guide below

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